2004 Arizona & Pacific RR Annual Report

2004 Arizona & Pacific RR

Annual Report

December 30th, 2004

          2004 was a busy year on the Arizona and Pacific Railroad. Major projects included re-landscaping the front yard, construction of a water tank, continued restoration work on the "Sandusky" (S-16 #60-1880), and preparation for the early 2005 move of the car barn to its new location.

          The front yard which had been flat and unassuming was redeveloped with several tons of dirt, many large boulders, half a dozen trees, two grass areas with underground sprinklers and extruded concrete curbing, landscape lighting, more than 40 new plants, and several rock walls. The track which had been only slightly recessed before now traverses through two cuts held back from the rails by low block walls.


Track work progressing East


A similiar view today


Completed tracks looking West


A more recent view


Looking North


Entering the same corner

Phoenix in the New Landscaping

Phoenix enjoying the new landscaping

Phoenix in the Western Cut

Leaving the Western Cut

Phoenix in the distance

Heading East

          In addition to the landscaping project, a great deal of work was completed on the water tank in 2004. The major components still under construction include the roof, the spout, and the frost box. Plumbing and Electrical are roughed into place, the water level gauge, ladder and counter balance for the spout have all been installed. Roof panels are being fabricated and should be ready to install by mid January.

Water Tank Under Construction

Rear view of the Water Tank still under construction

          All of the major body work on the "Sandusky" has been completed but there is still some minor body work left (like mounting the pilot) and a great deal of cosmetic work that needs to be done. No recent photos have been taken of her on the rack in the shop.

          We've also started making significant enhancements to the Northwestern end of our layout. Changes currently underway include relocating the car barn, removing the old service track, and replacing the northern spur with a full siding. The two new switches have already been installed and nearly two thirds of the track work is complete. The rest of the track work is waiting for the car barn move planned for early 2005 (We'll post photos after the move).

          Even though 2004 was an exceptionally busy year for the Arizona & Pacific Railroad we were still able to host a number of out-of-town visitors who contacted us and arranged for a tour. It's been fun getting to meet people who share our interest in miniature railroading and can appreciate the work that's gone into the A&P RR. We also enjoyed several e-mails we received that offered words of encouragement or shared miniature train stories.

A&P Pass

The first A&P RR annual pass

                    We're looking forward to 2005 being another great year at the Arizona & Pacific Railroad.

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