Located in Reedley, California the Hillcrest and Wahtoke Railroad features
a little over a mile of 15" gauge track. The H&W RR hosted the 2003 and
2005 Grand Scales conventions. Our most recent trip to Sean and Melissa
Bautista's beautiful railroad was during the 2007 Reedley Railfest held
October 13th, 2007.
Several visiting 15" gauge steam engines were in attendance including
the California State Railway Museum's "Sonoma", the Redwood Valley Railway's
"Sequoia", The Glenwood, South Park & Pacific's #13, #5 and their wood burning
Tom Thumb style "1 spot".
The Hillcrest shops also do restoration work on larger gauge railroads.
The founder of Pixar studios John Lasseter commissioned them to restore
the 36" gauge Deer Lake Park & Julian RR Engine named "Marie E" and consist formerly
owned by legendary Disney Animator Ollie Johnston for a special May 10th, 2005
run at Disneyland. John Lasseter's video presentation of the event was the
highlight of the 2005 Grand Scales Convention
The Hillcrest Shops are currently restoring a 36" gauge Brookville engine for Mr. Lasseter and have
begun restoring one of the original Disneyland passenger coaches for another client.
In addition to running a beautiful railroad and restoring larger gauge engines and
rolling stock, the Hillcrest shops build and sell engines, rolling stock, switches and
other necessities for grand scale railroaders. The Hillcrest and Wahtoke Railroad's official
website can be found here:
Hillcrest & Wahtoke Railroad